MY HEALING JOURNEYOn this planet we are matter, yes. But essentially we are energetic beings. Just as the planets are bodies of energy. As the father of modern astronomy, Johannes Kepler said in the 17th century, “The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern of the stars at the moment it comes into the world, unconsciously remembers it, and remains sensitive to the return of configurations of a similar kind”. Our energy is marked at birth by stories carried by ourselves, our ancestors and the collective consciousness.
When I began to heal my own subconscious beliefs, utilizing the modality of ThetaHealing®, and with the help of Metatron, I realized that every single one of them was shown in my natal chart. Interpretations that are typically dismissed because they are “too negative” or because they were written for a “certain time”, actually are true. As I began to apply this knowledge in my client sessions, I saw miraculous healings unfold.
By doing a short meditation with you, I can take your consciousness up into the white light, the energy of unconditional love that flows through each of us. The energy of the Alpha and the Omega, or the energy of God, the Holy Spirit, Spirit, the Universe, whatever term you are comfortable with. When you are in that energy you can access your subconscious mind and find out why you are living out the situations and circumstances in your life. Once you know from the subconscious mind what lesson your soul is trying to learn through the karma that is unfolding, you can mark this lesson complete and release yourself from the karma.